1st CBLT-Brz Conference

May 20th and 21st, 2023.
São Paulo, SP

This two-day CBLT (Content Based Language Teaching) conference aims to offer educators, working in immersion, international and bilingual schools in Brazil, the opportunity to learn with some of the top names in the field with practical, hands-on workshops. The goal is that educators will leave with practical ideas to use in their classrooms as well as understanding the research behind them.

NB: There will be workshops and plenaries in both English and Portuguese however translation services will not be provided at this event.
Haverá workshops e plenárias em inglês e português, no entanto, serviços de tradução não serão fornecidos nas sessões plenárias. Por favor, consulte o programa para mais informações.

Conference Strands:
1. Academic Language Development
2. Collective Efficacy to Improve our Student Outcomes
3. Early Childhood in L2
4. Inclusion in the CBLT Context

Location / Venue: Beacon School has kindly offered to host this event. Rua Mergenthaler, 1138 - Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo.

Our Sponsors:

Invited Speakers:


Dr. Myriam Met (Mimi) - keynote speaker

In her career as an educator, Dr. Met has been a foreign language teacher, district supervisor, and acting director of the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. She is a nationally and internationally recognised expert on Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs, consulting with schools, districts, state offices, universities and private agencies on strategic planning and support for immersion programs.

Beginning in 2009 , Dr. Met worked closely with the Utah State Office of Education to plan and implement the state’s Dual Language Immersion initiative. In addition to her work with Utah, Dr. Met was involved with the statewide immersion initiatives in Delaware and Georgia. She has worked with more than 150 Dual Language Immersion programs in and beyond the United States, in large school systems such as Los Angeles, New York City, Portland, and San Francisco as well as programs in Brazil, Canada, Finland, Japan, and Spain, and Uruguay.

Dr. Stefani Arzonetti Hite

Dr. Stefani Arzonetti Hite has decades of experience in education as a classroom teacher, educational administrator, and international school leader. An experienced professional learning designer, Stef specializes in leading organizations through systemic change initiatives with a focus on process improvement and participatory leadership. In 2017 Stef co-authored Intentional and Targeted Teaching: A Framework for Teacher Leadership and Growth with Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey. Most recently, Stef has published Leading Collective Efficacy: Powerful Stories of Achievement and Equity, co-authored with Jenni Donohoo. For more information: https://www.tigris.solutions/dr-stefani-hite

Dr. Fred Genesee

Fred is a Professor Emeritus at McGill University. He specialises in second language acquisition and bilingualism research. In particular, his research examines the early stages of the acquisition of two languages in order to better understand this form of language acquisition and ascertain the neurocognitive limits of the child's ability to acquire language. Fred has he has carried out extensive research on alternative forms of dual language education for both majority and minority language students.
Link: www.psych.mcgill.ca

Dr. Margo Gottlieb

Margo is a best-selling author and co-founder and lead developer for WIDA, a consortium devoted to multilingual learners in 40 states and entities along with over 400 international schools, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She served as a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Santiago, Chile, was appointed to the U.S. Department of Education’s Inaugural National Technical Advisory Council, and was honored by TESOL International Association in 2016 “as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the TESOL profession within the past 50 years”. In recent years, Margo’s scholarship has focused on conceptualizing language development standards, engaging multilingual learners in assessment as and for learning, and designing curricular frameworks that are linguistically and culturally sustainable. Currently she serves on the National Advisory Board for the Center for Education Equity and the Advisory Board for National Geographic’s content-based English program. Over her career, she has published over 90 articles, monographs, handbooks/ guides, encyclopedia entries, and chapters as well as authored, co-authored, or co-edited over 20 books on language standards, academic language use, and classroom assessment. Margo’s most recent books include Assessing English language learners: Bridges to equity (2nd Ed., 2016, Corwin), Assessing multilingual learners: A month-by-month guide (2017, ASCD), Language Power: Key uses for accessing content (2017 with M. Castro, Corwin) and contributed to Breaking down the wall (2020, Corwin).
Link: http://us.sagepub.com/

Dra. Edleise Mendes

Edleise é mestre em Estudos Linguísticos (Universidade Federal da Bahia-UFBA, 1996), doutora em Linguística Aplicada (Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, 2004) e Pós-Doutora em Educação e Ciências Sociais (Centro de Estudos Sociais – CES), na Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (2014) e na Universidade Estatal das Humanidades de Moscou (RGGU), em Moscou, Rússia (2019). Atualmente é professora associada da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), onde atua na graduação e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Cultura (PPGLinC). Foi professora visitante na Universidade de Georgetown, Virgínia, Estados Unidos (2014), na Universidade de Hyderabad, em Telangana, Índia (2017) e na Universidade Negeri Malang, em Malang, Indonésia (2018). Dedica-se a estudos sobre a língua portuguesa, materna e estrangeira (em seus variados contextos) e à área da educação linguística de modo geral, com enfoque na formação de professores de línguas, avaliação e produção de materiais didáticos, abordagens interculturais e críticas para o ensino de línguas. Em parceria com o Instituto Internacional da Língua Portuguesa (IILP/CPLP), coordenou o desenvolvimento do Portal do Professor de Português Língua Estrangeira / Língua Não materna (PPPLE). Foi presidente da Sociedade Internacional de Português Língua Estrangeira - SIPLE (2011-2013 / 2014 - 2016). Atualmente é Coordenadora do Observatório de Português Língua Estrangeira / Segunda Língua (ObsPLE-PL2) e do Núcleo de Estudos em Língua, Cultura e Ensino (LINCE / CNPQ). É a coordenadora institucional da UFBA como membro integrante da Cátedra UNESCO Políticas Linguísticas para o Multilinguismo.

Dr. Mandy R. Menke

Mandy Is an Assistant Professor and Director of Language Programs at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Dr. Menke examines the acquisition of Spanish as a second language as well as topics related to foreign language teaching. Her work spans the linguistic subdisciplines of phonology, syntax, and pragmatics and encompasses learners in K-12 language immersion programs and postsecondary foreign language contexts. Her current projects explore complexity in academic writing, the concept of advancedness in second language Spanish, and multiliteracies pedagogy. She has worked closely with many language immersion programs in the United States on curriculum, assessment, practices surrounding struggling learners, and teacher professional development.

Dr. Gilvan Müller de Oliveira

Gilvan é Mestre em Linguística Teórica, Filosofia e História pela Universidade de Konstanz, Alemanha, Doutor em Linguística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Pós-doutor pela Universidade Autônoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa (UAM), no México (2010), e nas Universidade de Hyderabad (UoH), na Índia, e Universidade Estatal Russa para as Humanidades (RGGU), em Moscou, na Rússia. De 2002 a 2010, dirigiu o IPOL - Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Política Linguística, de Florianópolis, e entre 2010 e 2014 foi Diretor Executivo do Instituto Internacional da Língua Portuguesa (IILP), da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), situado em Cabo Verde, na África. É professor associado da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e Secretário Executivo Interino da MAAYA - Rede Mundial de Multilinguismo, com sede em Paris e coordena o Programa de Políticas Linguísticas do Núcleo de Educação para a Integração (NEPI) da Associação de Universidades do Grupo Montevidéu (AUGM). É Diretor da Cátedra UNESCO em Políticas Linguísticas para o Multilinguismo (2018-22), com sede na UFSC, que envolve 24 universidades em 13 países e se dedica a pesquisar as diferentes facetas do multilinguismo. Atuou como formador de professores para as escolas bilíngues interculturais indígenas e as escolas bilíngues de fronteira do Mercosul. Suas pesquisas focalizam diferentes aspectos do multilinguismo, entre eles as políticas linguísticas que orientam a promoção das línguas e o seu ensino, em contextos marcados pela diversidade linguística e cultural.

Andrea Buffara

Andrea is Co-founder and COO of Gamut Education which provides consulting services in the education sector. She is Co- Founder and Director of Escola Americana de Vitória founded in 2018. Prior to that she was the Upper/Middle School Principal at Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro (EARJ). Andrea is a licensed educator that holds a BA from Barnard College/Columbia University, a M.Sc. in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and most recently an ED.M from Teacher’s College/Columbia University in Education Leadership with a concentration in Private School Leadership. She has held teaching positions at both Graded School in São Paulo, and EARJ in Rio de Janeiro.

Paula Castro

Paula is a director at Girassol Bilingual School in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, and she is a doctoral researcher in Education at the University of Cambridge (PhD). She holds a masters in Education with Distinction (University of Cambridge), specialising in Educational Leadership and School Improvement. In addition Paula holds a degree in Languages and a BA in Education from Uninove, São Paulo, and a Bachelor of Law LL.B. from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She has consulted for private schools and systems in the area of bilingual education and immersion programs in Brazil and Latin America, and has extensive experience in bilingual education, immersion programmes and school leadership. Her main research interests are related to school improvement and teacher learning.

Lucy Crichton

Graduated in Drama, Design and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Lucy is a teacher, teacher trainer and storyteller who has given lectures and workshops around the world. She has been writing for the primary classroom since 2008 and has been involved in projects in South America, Europe and Asia. Lucy is the founder of The Secret Garden English School in Florianopolis, where she teaches children and teenagers using, music, art, drama, gardening and cooking. She has been living and teaching in Brazil since 1992.

Amaral Cunha

Diretor Acadêmico, Eleva, Botafogo, RJ. Médico pela UPE (Universidade de Pernambuco), com mestrado em Educação pela Framingham University, Amaral tem mais de 25 anos de experiência em educação como professor de Inglês, Biologia, Anatomia e Teoria do Conhecimento. Por 14 anos, trabalhou na Graded School (Escola Americana de São Paulo), sendo os últimos três como coordenador do programa International Baccalaureate (IB). Hoje, ele abraça o desafio de liderar o projeto de construção da Escola Eleva, colocando em prática tudo de melhor que vivenciou na educação.

Marcelle Doria

Marcelle currently coordinates the early childhood English immersion programme at Escola Beit Yaacov in São Paulo. She has 20+ years teaching experience of different ages, but has a passion for the young learners and teaching language and reading through exploration and play! She holds a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction as well as a Post-Grad Certificate in Dual Language Certification, both from the University of Minnesota. In addition she has a Bachelor's degree with a specialisation in Deaf Education from Augustana University. She has been working in Brazilian immersion education schools since 2001.

Silvana Gili

Silvana Gili holds a BA in Portuguese and English Languages and an MA in International Education (Framingham State University). Besides completing specialization courses in Bilingualism (PUC-SP) and Reading and Children's Literature (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Silvana is presently completing her PhD in Literature (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). She has over twenty years of experience in international school settings, such as Graded School (São Paulo) and the American Schools of Brasília (Brazil) and Madrid (Spain). Silvana is currently working as Elementary School Coordinator at Beacon School in São Paulo.

Angela Hernandez

Angela has been working with bilingual immersion as an educator and consultant for over 15 years. She holds a M.Ed. from the University of Minnesota in Interdisciplinary Studies - Dual Language Immersion Curriculum and Instruction, and a M.Ed. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in International Education Policy. During her time at Harvard, she was a Teaching Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and worked with Programs in Professional Education developing courses for teachers around the world. She also works with teacher preparation for bilingual learners and is the co-founder of Movimento pela Infância. Her research interests include global citizenship, dual language education, language education policy, teacher development, and educational ecosystems. She currently works at Avenues: The World School, São Paulo.

Silva Juhas

Silvia Juhas é a coordenadora do Programa de Imersão dupla em Português no estado de Utah, EUA, usa há 5 anos. É autora do material didático utilizado no Elementary School em todo o estado de Utah e atualmente está desenhando o currículo e escrevendo o material didático para o Middle School. Silvia é fonoaudióloga, psicopedagoga e especialista em ensino do Português. Tem um endorsement pela Utah Valley University em Dual Language Immersion. Trabalhou durante 23 anos na Fundação Bradesco, como coordenadora pedagógica das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e como supervisora do Fundamental I, atuando pela formação de professores e na elaboração do currículo e material didático. Ainda na Fundação Bradesco gerenciou projeto de apoio à escola pública nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Assessora a Acaia Pantanal, organização sem fins lucrativos que apoia uma escola no Pantanal sul-mato-grossense, na formação dos professores e no acompanhamento curricular

Keren Soriano

Keren is an educational psychologist with over 25 years experience, working in International and American schools. She worked at Graded, American School as the Optimal Learning Center, Director where she coordinated early learning intervention, screening, psycho-educational evaluations and academic support for students K-12. During this time, Keren authored a grant from the US State Department Office of Overseas Schools, entitled Preventing Reading Difficulties in Multilingual Classrooms: A Guide to Assessment, Instruction, & Intervention. Keren is very interested in using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and assistive technologies to ensure diverse learners have accessibility to the curriculum.

Programme DRAFT


Draft Programme, subject to changes.

NB: There will be workshops and plenaries in both English and Portuguese however, translation services will not be provided at this event.
Haverá workshops e plenárias em inglês e português, no entanto, serviços de tradução não serão fornecidos nas sessões plenárias. Por favor, consulte o programa para mais informações.

Format, we will offer three formats for the sessions:

  • Plenary: one hour sessions with an invited speaker (held in the auditorium)
  • Deep Dive: These are sessions of 2:15 in which an invited speaker will present on theory to practise. Participants will have take-aways after the session that are ready for the classroom/school. From May 20th, 2021 registered participants will be able to sign-up for these sessions using the conference App..
  • Workshop: These last 1:00 and will be taken from the call for papers. We will not offer sign-up for these sessions, participants will select the ones they want at the event.

May 20th

08:00 - 09:00
  Welcome Coffee

09:10 - 10:15
Keynote: Dr. Myriam Met (Mimi)

What is high quality teaching and why is it essential for my students?
10:30 - 12:45 Deep Dive Session 1

What do we know about our Young Learners in CBLT?

Dr. Fred Genesse
McGill University

Marcelle Doria
Preschool Coordinator, Escola Beit Yaacov.

In this session, we will discuss research on and practical implications of dual language/CBLT learning for Pre-K learners in both home and school settings.

Fred Genesee will review research related to second language and bilingual development of young children from majority language backgrounds. Topics to be discussed include: children’s capacity for dual language learning, including children with developmental disabilities; typical patterns of bilingual development; and factors that influence bilingual development during the preschool years. He will also review research on dual language programs for Pre-K learners and the potential benefits of early dual language learning.

Marcelle Doria will take you inside the Pre-K classroom to share best practices that support the research presented.

There will be opportunities for participants to interact and ask questions with the presenters.
Deep Dive Session 2

Lesson Study:
Desvendando a potência da colaboração para o desenvolvimento profissional do

Paula Castro
Escola Girassol Bilíngue e Consultora de Liderança Educacional

Esta sessão tem como objetivo analisar a natureza do conhecimento da prática profissional do professor e compreender quais são os elementos necessários para que o processo de desenvolvimento profissional seja eficaz. Lesson Study, importante abordagem colaborativa para a formação contínua do professor será explorada e os participantes compreenderão seus principais componentes, tendo a oportunidade de ampliar ainda mais seus saberes acerca do desenvolvimento de sua própria prática profissional.
10:30 - 12:45 Deep Dive Session 3

How can we increase oral narrative competence for students learning English in a CBLT context?

Andrea Buffara
Escola Americana de Vitória & Gamut Education

The objectives of this session are: to show you how to accelerate and improve L2 output andproficiency and to increase the quality and quantity of parent interactions in the school.

Participants will examine the fundamental role of student output in a 2nd language. We will begin by looking at how we are planning our lessons to promote this, then discover, through the regular use of technology, how educators can model language and push for student oral rehearsal; output. In addition we will talk about practical ways to involve families in the process.
Deep Dive Session 4

Collective efficacy in the classroom: How to save time and impact learning

Angela Hernandez
Avenues, São Paulo

In this session we will explore practical ways teachers and administrators can find evidence of impact in language immersion classrooms. Participants will identify how changes in classroom practices influence student language outcomes by examining specific evidence of student learning. They will co-create tools they can use to hear from students about their learning, their progress, their struggles, and their motivation to keep learning. We will also examine student artifacts such as assignments, assessments, portfolios, and other indicators of daily progress. We will explore how to find the link between teachers' actions and student outcomes, and how the factors behind student progress are within teachers’ collective sphere of influence.
Or… If you do not attend one of the Deep Dive sessions you have the option of 2 workshop sessions...
10:30 - 11:30 Workshop Sessions A

Infusing the Habits of Mind in the Classroom: Empowering Students to Take Part in the Learning Process
Patricia Ribeiro - Pueri Domus

It is important that educators trust and collaborate with students in outlining course design. Teachers set clear expectations, while students take part in their growth through self-monitoring and self-discipline, becoming increasingly aware of their strengths and needs. Art Costa and Benna Kalick outlined a set of sixteen skills and attitudes that promote student autonomy, confidence, and a mature learning approach. This set of dispositions gear students toward performing more conscientiously when faced with challenges and new learning situations. We will explore: - how to infuse the habits of mind through strategies that will empower students and develop better learners, also creating a productive and accountable learning environment. - the active integration of habits of mind during instruction, having learners take part in the instructional design.

Por que (não) usar a BNCC como Referência para Aulas de Imersão ou Educação Bilíngue?
Eduardo Francini - Unicamp

De maneira criativa e instigante, este workshop tem como objetivo geral desenvolver o pensamento crítico dos participantes em relação à proposta da Base Nacional Comum Curricular para Língua Inglesa, pensando nos contextos de imersão e de educação bilíngue. Espera-se que ao longo da oficina os participantes consigam: o Identificar as demandas por um currículo com base em competências (Competency-based curriculum); o Diferenciar competências de habilidades e entender as relações entre elas; o Analisar um modelo de matriz curricular para ensino da língua inglesa amparada pela BNCC; o Conhecer as práticas CBTL usadas como alternativas à BNCC no ensino público de inglês.

It's a Whatchamacallit, you know, the Whatchamacallit !
Sherina Isolica - Alef Pertez

Academic language is a centrepiece for academic success according to Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit. The aim of this workshop is to explore the dimensions, scope and varying contexts of academic language. As educators we are challenged in planning and delivering classes in L2 yet at times overlook the academic language that must also be embedded in our lessons. The workshop will give participants insights into what is academic language, its importance and together we will plan academic language related to a specific content.

Emergent Reading in Early Years: a strategy to build vocabulary and confidence in young learners of a second language.
Marina Braga - Avenues, SP
Aaron Van Borek - Avenues, SP

Reading is part of most teachers' and children's daily routine. We read to develop children's imagination, creativity, vocabulary, language, love for reading and more. In a bilingual environment, reading becomes an even more powerful strategy for language learning. However, reading happens not only when teachers take the lead, but also in individual and small group situations. During this workshop, we intend to explain the concept and possibilities of Emergent reading and the ways we can use it as a strategy of language learning in Early Years.

Creative Thinking and Language Development Through The Studio Habits of Mind
Michelle Kauffmann Benarush - Escola Eleva

What are the changes and challenges of contemporary art education in an immersion setting? We will dive into contemporary art education and see how students develop creative thinking and academic language while expressing ideas visually. We will experience the Studio Habits of Mind (PZ) as a means to teaching students how to think like artists and develop the language to express their learning. Participants will identify elements of SHoM as they experience a creative assignment and reflect on how to use guiding questions and sentence starters in this process.

11:40 - 12:40 Workshop Sessions B

Professional Growth: Free Resources for Teachers from the Regional English Language Office
Jennifer Uhler - Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy Brazil

Good teachers constantly seek ways to grow and learn. This presentation looks closely at the professional cycle of career teachers with the aim of self-reflection and goal-setting. Participants will use TESOL 6 Principles to assess their current needs and learn about some tools for continued collaboration and professional growth. Finally, the presenter will provide an overview of free materials, online courses, professional development opportunities, and programs that support quality English language teaching and learning with a focus on the integration of content with teaching language. All attendees will leave with new ideas and resources for building and sustaining their own professional growth.

Alinhando Conteúdo e Língua para o Ensino dos padrões Gramaticais
Silvia Juhas - Utah State Board of Education

O workshop apresentará exemplos de como incorporar a teoria counterbalance, de Roy Lyster, professor emérito de da Universidade McGill, Canadá, ao ensino dos padrões gramaticais de forma implícita e explícita, alinhando o ensino da língua e os conteúdos curriculares. Apresentará também um exemplo de progressão dos tópicos gramaticais num currículo para o Ensino Fundamental. Os participantes analisarão o currículo e as atividades desenvolvidas para o ensino da língua portuguesa no estado de Utah, EUA, e criarão uma proposta para ser aplicada em aulas.

Secret Sauce to Success
Mariana Carvalho - EARJ – Escola Americana, RJ

In this session, I will share the secret sauce to support academic language development with practical, engaging, and proven strategies that can be implemented in your content based language classrooms and/or English language support services.

Storytelling and Vocabulary Learning: The Usage of Multimodal Resources as Pedagogical Tools in Kindergarten
Patricia Azevedo - Aubrick

The aim of this workshop is to analyze the importance of storytelling activity as a means of transmission of culture and language usage model with a focus on the multimodal resources, teacher ́s gestures and books’ illustration, used as pedagogical tools to enhance students ́ oral comprehension and vocabulary learning in L2 in kindergarten groups. Learning outcomes: The importance of storytelling as a means of transmission of culture and language usage model. Raising awareness of the benefits of multimodal resources usage during storytelling. Enhancing student ́s oral comprehension and vocabulary learning through storytelling.

Educação Socioemocional na Prática: o que é preciso saber e como desenvolver com qualidade na escola?
Renata Abdelnur - Ludie

Neste workshop, vamos desenvolver uma prática de auto reflexão para identificação de aspectos socioemocionais dos educadores e de habilidades como autoconhecimento, autogestão, flexibilidade para mudanças, capacidade de escuta, empatia e comunicação. Em sequência, traremos uma reflexão sobre a importância e os reflexos da inteligência emocional do professor no clima da sala de aula, com estratégias de autogestão emocional e orientações para o trabalho socioemocional em sala de aula. O foco do workshop será construir um olhar empático para as necessidades de autocuidado do professor e para os reflexos de seu estado emocional nos alunos. "Se queremos que o professor seja capaz de cuidar das demandas e potencializar os resultados de seus alunos, precisamos, de antemão, suprir suas necessidades e muni-lo de recursos para que desenvolva seu trabalho com maestria."

12:45 - 13:55 Lunch Break
(on your own)
14:00 - 15:00 Plenary: Dr. Margo Gottielb

Academic Language Use in Language Development: What Does It Mean for Educators in CBLT?

Academic language is often equated with the language of school. But what does it look like and how might it be used as a teaching tool? How might academic language be deconstructed to enhance its comprehensibility for students who are in the process of developing language? You will come away with clear ideas as to what constitutes academic language use, some misconceptions surrounding the construct, and its critical role in teaching and learning.
15:10 - 17:20 Deep Dive Session 5

Moving Beyond Accuracy: Developing Academic Language in CBLT

Dr. Mandy Menke
University of Minnesota

Language intended to convey academic content differs from the language of everyday interpersonal communication. Indeed, research has repeatedly shown that the language of academics takes longer to develop and that explicit teaching is often required. In this dive-deep workshop, we will explore the linguistic features of academic texts, considering both lexical (vocabulary) and syntactic (grammatical) features, and identify ways to foster the development of an academic register in middle school language immersion classrooms.
Deep Dive Session 6

Focused Instruction to Support Language Learning

Dr. Stefani Arzonetti Hite

Research has demonstrated that teacher clarity (d=0.75) combined with clearly established learning goals (d=0.68) have a very high impact on student achievement (Hattie, 2017). Put them together and you have Focused Instruction, the essential first step in the Gradual Release of Responsibility model.

Participants will:
● Explore the Focused Instruction aspect of the Gradual Release approach;
● Practice developing content and language goals;
● Develop clear success criteria that clarify the learning path for students.

Deep Dive Session 7

O ensino de português como língua estrangeira/segunda língua em contexto de educação bilíngue/multilíngue: desafios, abordagens, perspectivas.

Dra. Edleise Mendes,

É crescente a presença do português em escolas bilíngues e multilíngues em várias partes do mundo, o que permite já uma sistematização de experiências, metodologias e tendências. A partir desse cenário, discutiremos abordagens pedagógicas e tendências contemporâneas na educação linguística em português língua estrangeira/ segunda língua na educação bilíngue brasileira, abordando, sobretudo, a centralidade das práticas pedagógicas interculturais como eixo organizador do ensino e da formação de professores em contextos multilíngues.
Deep Dive Session 8

Teaching Children to Read and Write in Two Languages.

Silvana Gili,
Beacon School

What are the key aspects in a language programme that fosters literacy development in two languages, simultaneously? This session will pull from research to present essential features that should be considered when designing effective biliteracy in Brazilian CBLT schools. The discussion will contemplate evidence based strategies that foster literacy development; such as, phonemic and phonological awareness, guided reading, and word study, among others. We will discuss the applicability of international research results in our local context and determine cultural differences that may implicate in our choices. This is a research into practice session and participants will produce a model of a Balanced Early Literacy program that may be used with 6-8 yr. old groups in their schools.
Or… If you do not attend one of the Deep Dive sessions you have the option of 2 workshop sessions...
15:10 - 16:10 Workshop Sessions C

Practical Application of Dual Immersion Pedagogy
Shauna Winegar - Utah State Board of Education

Utah's Dual Language Immersion program is built around 6 core pedagogical strategies that provide a strong instructional framework for student success. Participants will gain an understanding of the pedagogical backbone and instructional framework and leave with practical examples of how these strategies can be incorporated into instruction. Practical examples of how to incorporate objectives, comprehensible input, teacher modeling and student language supports to promote student engagement and language output will be the focus of the workshop.

Maker's Hour - Where Story Character's Problems Meet the Real World
Karina Wenda - Chapel School

In this workshop we will talk about Tinkering, Making, and Engineering Challenges, appropriate for 3 to 8 years-old children and how to make it happen in any setting. At Chapel, Maker's Hour experiences begin at a familiar starting place - the problems characters face in stories. STEAM challenges offer ways to integrate early literacy with all areas of development (social and emotional, physical, and cognitive), and content-areas (mathematics, science, social studies, and arts). Children feel inspired, delighted and engaged as they are given authentic opportunities to develop English Language.

Embracing Diversity in the Classroom
Marcela Cintra - Cultura Inglesa

Much has been discussed in English language teaching about diversity and inclusion to impact a growing number of learners in the educational context. In this workshop, attendees will explore the topics with insight from their contexts. Also, they will examine practical ideas on how professionals can take advantage of their development to cater for a variety of profiles through meaningful differentiation in the classroom. Finally, the sharing of information and ideas will be used to encourage teachers to design inclusive lessons considering the diversity as discussed in the workshop.

A importância da intencionalidade do professor na implementação de práticas de multiletramento.
Cybelle Moura - Objetivo/Blue School

O workshop tem como objetivo, por meio de proposta didática que engloba storytelling e Oficina pedagógica, propor atividade que desenvolva nos estudantes práticas de multiletramento que englobam o letramento crítico e o letramento digital, dentro do contexto do ensino bilíngue fazendo uso da metodologia CBLT na educação infantil e anos iniciais do fund.1

Affection & Cognition in Learning
Ana Maria Gurgel - Twice

We will explore how to develop our students’ affective processes and discuss the need for attention (differentiation) in the relationship we build with our students. We will reinforce and share examples of how teachers can increase the affective dimension of their teaching while working with the school curriculum that normally prioritizes cognitive development.

16:20 - 17:20 Workshop Sessions D

Let's Write Language Objectives : The key to challenging students' language
Alexander Giraldo - University of Minnesota

This interactive workshop will guide teachers to write language objectives by implementing Tedick and Lyster's (in press) scaffold, which includes discourse type, communicative or academic functions, grammatical features, and vocabulary and unanalyzed chunks. After briefly reviewing some of the research, participants will examine some teacher-developed examples to better understand the significance of writing language objectives in each lesson. Then, we will practice writing some language objectives to increased understanding of how the four components support language development in the classroom.

Enriching the Input and Promoting the Output of 3 to 4-Year-Old Children
Thaiza Barros - Beacon School
Priscila Amado - Beacon School

During this session, we will briefly discuss some of the language acquisition theories that are present in our work in order to support our practices. Furthermore, we will provide a range of strategies that may foster children's production of L2 in class. The workshop will mainly focus on approaches and practices for better enriching students' input, thus, advancing their output of the target language.

Planejando e praticando para criar, pensar e discutir: como proporcionar o ensino da linguagem como ferramenta para elevar o nível de pensamento dos alunos.
Juliana Pereira de Albuquerque Storniolo - FourC Bilingual Academy
Carolina Segala - FourC Bilingual Academy

Os participantes discutirão estratégias para planejar e aproveitar a oportunidade de ensino da língua como uma ferramenta para elevar o nível de pensamento dos alunos à medida que suas ideias são expressas, discutidas e documentadas. Para isso, serão apoiados no conceito de Cogitare (Costa, 2007) e Rotinas de pensamento propostas pelo grupo de pesquisa de Harvard chamado Project Zero. Da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, tais rotinas podem estar incorporadas em todos os momentos e, com um planejamento linguístico, proporcionar pensamento em duas línguas e o enriquecimento do vocabulário acadêmico.

Creating a Learner-Centred Environment; Going beyond the K-W-L Chart
Julio Menochelli - Oxford University Press
Daniela Medalla - Oxford University Press

The speakers will demonstrate several success-oriented, practical classroom strategies and instructional practices that will get your students producing more L2. Participants will leave the session with a toolkit of learning techniques that will make them more effective teachers of language and content.

Educação Socioemocional na Prática: o que é preciso saber e como desenvolver com qualidade na escola?
Renata Abdelnur - Ludie

Neste workshop, vamos desenvolver uma prática de auto reflexão para identificação de aspectos socioemocionais dos educadores e de habilidades como autoconhecimento, autogestão, flexibilidade para mudanças, capacidade de escuta, empatia e comunicação. Em sequência, traremos uma reflexão sobre a importância e os reflexos da inteligência emocional do professor no clima da sala de aula, com estratégias de autogestão emocional e orientações para o trabalho socioemocional em sala de aula. O foco do workshop será construir um olhar empático para as necessidades de autocuidado do professor e para os reflexos de seu estado emocional nos alunos. "Se queremos que o professor seja capaz de cuidar das demandas e potencializar os resultados de seus alunos, precisamos, de antemão, suprir suas necessidades e muni-lo de recursos para que desenvolva seu trabalho com maestria."

Draft Programme, subject to changes.

May 21st

Format, we will offer three formats for the sessions:

  • Plenary: one hour sessions with invited speakers (held in the auditorium)
  • Deep Dive: These are sessions of 2:15 in which an invited speaker will present on theory to practise. Participants will have take-aways after the session that are ready for the classroom/school. From April 3rd registered participants will be able to sign-up for these sessions.
  • Workshop: These last 1:00 and will be taken from the call for papers. We will not offer sign-up for these sessions, participants will select the ones they want at the event.
08:00 - 09:00 Coffee
09:00 - 10:00 Plenary:

Dr. Stefani Arzonetti Hite

The Power of Collective Efficacy to Support Student Success
When educators share a sense of efficacy, the result is deep implementation of high-leverage leadership and instructional practices.
10:15 - 12:25 Deep Dive Session 9:

Integrating Academic Language into Classroom Assessment

Dr. Margo Gottlieb

Classroom assessment as, for, and of learning moves away from the traditional notion of reporting numbers and scores to one that is more sociocultural in orientation where students and their teachers are empowered and have agency. As students become more engaged in learning, they also become knowledgeable of academic language as key to academic success. This session illustrates how to embed and document students’ academic language use in assessment practices.
Deep Dive Session 10:

Making Progress: Planning for Language Growth

Dr. Myriam Met

While the early years of immersion build the foundation of students’ new language, the years that follow need to promote language that is characteristic of more mature language users and that give students more flexibility in expressing themselves orally or through print.

While the early years of immersion build the foundation of students’ new language, the years that follow need to promote language that is characteristic of more mature language users and that give students more flexibility in expressing themselves orally or through print.

10:15- 12:25 Deep Dive Session 11:

Práticas escolares multilíngues: contextos e metodologias

Dr. Gilvan Müller de Oliveira (UFSC)

O multilinguismo, em suas formas tradicionais e emergentes, tem demandado uma crescente sensibilidade das escolas para o aproveitamento dos repertórios linguísticos presentes em sala de aula, trazendo desafios para professores e gestores educacionais. Esta oficina discutirá diferentes contextos de multilinguismo, no Brasil e em outros países, e algumas perspectivas desenvolvidas para fomentar o aprimoramento das práticas pedagógicas em sala de aula bilíngue/multilíngue.
Deep Dive Session 12:

The Beauty of Storytelling Through a Whole Child Approach

Lucy Crichton

How can we balance the young child's cognitive learning together with their emotional well-being and their emerging ability to deal with the world around them? What importance do stories have on the young child's social emotional development and how can we use literacy skills to work with behaviour? If we think about educating the whole child, we need to raise new questions about our school culture, the curriculum and the instructional strategies we apply. In this practical session, participants will learn how to use stories, clear images, cloth puppets, percussion instruments, song and rhyme to reach their students on a whole new level.
Or… If you do not attend one of the Deep Dive sessions you have the option of 2 workshop sessions...
10:15 - 11:15 Workshop Sessions E

Inclusão em Contextos Bilíngues: Desafios e estratégias para promover a aprendizagem de crianças com NE’s.
Carina Rejane Aprigio Santana - Escola Eleva
Fabiana Freitas- Escola Eleva

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo promover a reflexão sobre a individualidade dos processos de aprendizagem, e a partir daí propor diferentes perspectivas e estratégias que possibilitem a igualdade de todos os indivíduos no tocante ao aprendizado de uma língua adicional no contexto escolar bilíngue, em especial na Educação Infantil.

TEACHER CLARITY: The "whats" "hows" and "whys" to set up clear and meaningful learning intentions in an immersion environment.
Daniella Avanzi Leonardi - Escola Beit Yaacov

Teacher clarity is more than simply posting student-friendly learning targets. It's also about helping students gauge their own progress through the use of success criteria and intentional and deliberate feedback. Based on John Hattie's and Ron Berger's research and strategies, we will tackle some key aspects to improve these skills in class. We will discuss practices and theories that, if used consistently and accurately, will result in greater teacher clarity and the ability of students, over time, to self-manage their learning.

Early Bilingual Literacy Building: Classroom Studies and Theory to Guide Us
Julia Landau - Escola Girassol, Salvador

Simultaneous early literacy building, or alfabetização simultânea, is a rich process representing one of the first steps on a child's path to biliteracy in immersion settings. However, we know that students bring knowledge and strategies from beyond the classroom to this undertaking. Focusing on theories of written language acquisition and meaning making, this workshop explores parallels across children's reading and writing acquisition in both Portuguese and English. We also examine the ways in which children make use of all their languages as they construct their knowledge of the written word.

Writing Workshop: Teaching Writers in an Immersion Setting
Karen Fraser Colby de Mattos - Escola Eleva
Maíra Timbó - Escola Eleva, Barra

The Writing Workshop places learners at the heart of the learning process. It invites them to share their voices and recognize that writing is powerful and can become a tool for thinking and for developing their capacity for agency. We will take you inside some classrooms to illustrate how teachers have established structures that allow writers to write frequently, have opportunities to learn from other writers, receive responsive feedback and share their writing with real audiences.

Differentiation in Bilingual Education - Personalize lessons and maximize students' learning
Juliana Chanan - Kinder Kampus School

How can we achieve curriculum objectives and tackle all students' needs? This workshop will help you understand how the personalized approach can maximize your students' learning. We will: talk about learning objectives with clear focus on understanding, confirm the importance of pre, formative and self-assessment, know differentiation of content, process and product, practice rigorous lesson planning with knowledge, understanding and skills goals.

11:25 - 12:25 Workshop Sessions F

An Audacious Experiment, Rio de Janeiro's First Public Bilingual High School
Efrain Diaz - US Department of State

In the 21st Century, the skills and education of a country's workforce is crucial for every country's economic success. Communicating effectively in more than one language becomes essential. Thus, English being the "lingua franca" becomes a necessity for college and career readiness. Explore with me how one public school high school in Brazil achieved this. See real-life examples and discuss how CBLT in an immersive communicative language environment developed students language proficiency skills in all four areas of communication a 90% - 10% bilingual immersion program.

How much influence can teachers really have? A discussion on empowering teachers as a pathway towards improving student outcomes.
Kristina Speakes - Escola Alef Peretz
Nivio Cadorin - Escola Alef Peretz

This workshop explores two enabling conditions for nurturing collective efficacy: advanced teacher influence and teachers' knowledge about one another's work. Initially, presenters discuss a project in which F2 (middle school) teachers worked together to transform generalized curricular guidelines into a cohesive scope and sequence, emphasizing ways the collaboration created an outcomes-focused curricular document. Attendees also experiment generating their own site-specific possibilities for building collective efficacy, particularly in relation to the implementation of enabling conditions.

Music Making and Body Language: a path for bilingual 1st-graders
Ivan Britz - Escola Eleva Botafogo, RJ

In this workshop we will identify and analyze the main challenges of teaching specialist subjects to young bilinguals in a CBLT context. We will examine and devise strategies for teacher's use of body language, classroom management and music. Discuss and devise strategies for the activation of student's voice and bodies as protagonists of their own learning, then analyze the effects and characteristics of musical activities in language acquisition. Through the sharing of our practical experiences and reliance on academic references we will attempt to find ways to connect language, content, body, voice and music in order to surpass limitations found when basic verbal communication is still a barrier.

"Snake pegou apple!" (Des) Caminhos, compreensões e construções para a Educação Infantil Bilíngue
Rayssa de Andrade - UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

O bilinguismo é uma realidade na nossa sociedade moderna (BUCHWEITZ, 2013). Neste cenário, temos visto um crescimento exponencial de Escolas Bilíngues de Elite (CAVALCANTI, 1999; MEGALE, 2016), especialmente com enfoque para a Educação Infantil (MESQUITA, no prelo). No entanto, a multidimensionalidade do fenômeno do bilingüismo convoca o educador a pensar em questões diversas como interdisciplinaridade, multiculturalidade, multiletramentos e recursos pedagógicos. O objetivo de aprendizagem do workshop é trazer conceitos, estratégias, recursos e práticas para que os participantes possam usar na Educação Bilíngue (tanto escolar como familiar) nos anos iniciais.

Leadership in an Educational Setting - a practical discussion
Fabrizio Rossi - Cambridge International

The session will look at a practical definition of leadership and create a framework for planning and discussing leadership in an educational setting. It is intended that delegates will leave with a range of takeaways including practical tips for improving their own leadership. Aspiring leaders are just as welcome as experienced leaders for this session.-

12:30 - 13:40 Lunch Break
(on your own)
13:45- 14:55 Panel:

Addressing the Needs of Our Struggling Learners in CBLT

During this session Keren Soriano will moderate a discussion with Dr. Menke and Dr. Genesee about the suitability of CBLT for struggling students. They will discuss how to distinguish between students who are struggling because they have an underlying learning disability from students who are challenged for other reasons, how to support struggling students in the classroom, and what kinds of learning outcomes we can expect of struggling students who participate in CBLT programmes, like immersion.

Dr. Fred Genesee (McGill)
Dr. Mendy Menky (University of Minnesota)
Moderator: Keren Soriano
15:00 RAFFLE
15:20 - 16:30 Mesa Plenaria / Round Table:
(apresentado em português / presented in Portuguese)

(Re)leituras de (Re)leituras de princípios teóricos e práticas pedagógicas para o ensino de línguas em contexto brasileiro.

A partir das apresentações e intervenções realizadas ao longo do Congresso, a mesa discutir á os temas abordados, relacionando-os ao contexto de ensino brasileiro.

Dra. Edleise Mendes (UFBA)
Dr. Gilvan Müller de Oliveira (UFSC)
Silvia Juhas (Utah Dual Language)
Moderator: Amaral Cunha (Eleva, Rio)
Our Sponsors:

Fees and Deadlines Dates


R$1050 ( in up to 3 payments )

Registration closes on April 25th at 15:00

NB: There will be workshops and plenaries in both English and Portuguese however translation services will not be provided at this event.
Haverá workshops e plenárias em inglês e português, no entanto, serviços de tradução não serão fornecidos nas sessões plenárias. Por favor, consulte o programa para mais informações.


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Payment options, select ONE / Opções de pagamento, selecione UMA:

A. Individual Participant / Participante individual : Debit, Credit, or Boleto (via PagoSeguro online)

B. Deposit - 3 or more / 3 ou mais: Deposits may be made but this option is only for schools/institutions with a CNPJ who are paying for at least 3 of their staff to attend. For one or two people from the same institution, payments must be made as an "individual" by credit or debit cards only.

If you select this option (deposit), each person in the school registers individually on this page, then select deposit option for payment. Your school will need to contact us with their details to organise payment, this contact must happen within 3 days of registering online.

Pode ser feito por depósito, mas essa opção é apenas para escolas / instituições com CNPJ que estão pagando pelo menos três de seus funcionários. Para uma ou duas pessoas da mesma instituição, os pagamentos devem ser feitos como um "individual" apenas com cartões de crédito, débito ou boleto.

Se você selecionar esta opção (deposito), cada pessoa na escola se registrará individualmente nesta página e selecione a opção de depósito para pagamento. Sua escola precisará entrar em contato conosco com os detalhes para organizar o pagamento. Isso deve ocorrer dentro de três dias após a inscrição on-line.

Please fill in the field.
Once payments have been made we do not issue refunds. Uma vez iniciados os pagamentos, não emitimos reembolsos.
Our Sponsors:

Call for Papers


Você pode apresentar em português ou inglês. Se você estiver enviando em português, preencha o formulário em português.

We are accepting proposals in both English and Portuguese. If you want to present in English, complete the form in English.

1. Each workshop will last 1 hour and there should be a practical aspect to the presentation that educators can take away and use in the classroom. Workshops must not focus on promoting published materials directly, commercial presentations will not be considered.

2. Workshops may have a maximum of two presenters:

3. Workshops should be linked to one of the 4 conference strands:

  • A. Academic Language Development
  • B. Collective Efficacy to Improve our Student Outcomes
  • C. Early Childhood in L2
  • D. Inclusion in the CBLT Context

4. Proposals must be submitted by Jan.20th / Prazo: 20 de Janeiro,2020

5. If you are accepted to present you will need to pay the registration fee, discounts will not be offered.

Call for Papers is Closed

Inscrições Encerradas